“Like mother, like daughter,” they say.
“She is a mini-you,” I hear often.
“Wow! Apple didn’t fall too far from the tree,” they tell me.

This rings true in many areas,
as my girls and I do share a lot of similarities,
for they are my flesh and blood and are raised under my wing; but ultimately, I know that each of these precious girls were created uniquely on purpose, for a purpose, distinct from mine; having their own gifts, talents, strengths and personalities.
I admire their strong confidence in who God made them to be.

I cherish and value their differences, and at the same time, I am grateful for the things we have in common.
I am so blessed that both my daughters have grabbed onto my love for the outdoors, a craving for all things beyond the asphalt and a drive to get up and out with the same passion and vigor that was handed down to me, through my mom.

I guess, then, you can say “like mother, like daughter” and you won’t be too far off.
But the truth is, as I watch these girls grow into who they were made to be, I truly want to be more like them!