“Nothing is more important for the public wealth than to form and train youth in wisdom and virtue.”
Benjamin Franklin, a brilliant, educated and well-rounded man spoke these words, so many years ago… because he understood.
He understood that when our nation was founded, it was founded to hold a future.
He understood, along with his counterparts, what it would take to keep and maintain what was established at the inception of this nation and he understood that our youth would one day grow into that future.
He also pointed out that ‘reckless youth makes rueful age.’
He was right and we dare state that our world is doing just that: promoting a ‘reckless youth.’
This generation is being sold lies every day in the culture; lies sold by those with an agenda to remove Truth, our rights and our freedoms.
Our youth is being herded by a greater agenda in hopes that they will blindly follow one another over the edge of a cliff like sheep to a slaughter.
John Adams exhorted us, stating “people should be educated and instructed on the principles of freedom.”
But the questions are: who is doing the educating and what are they teaching?
We challenge that it must be the family.
We are instructed not to hide truth from our kids, but to teach and train them up in Him so that they will stand strong when the day comes!
(Psalm 78: 2-4/ Prov.22:6)
The day has come and it is our responsibility to educate our children so they can rightly divide the truth from the lies.
We must not be complacent in our role as parents.
We must not be satisfied with sitting back and allowing someone else to do the job we have been called to.
We are to “stand firm and hold fast to the teachings that have been passed to us.” (2 Thess. 2:15) and in turn we are to pass them down to our children.
Parents, we must educate and instruct our youth in order to maintain the liberties that have been fought for.
It is time to rise up and fight for the hearts and minds of the next generation. We must not allow our children to be used as targets and pawns in a greater agenda.
We must coach our kids to think, to study, to look at history and to use logic and truth in order to preserve our freedoms.
It is our job to instruct and prepare our kids so they are not ignorant and falsely influenced.
It is our job to teach our children the history of our nation so they understand why our freedoms were established in the first place.
It is our job to teach them the history of our world so they can see the implications of having these freedoms taken away.
And above all, it is our job to point them to Christ in all things.
Families, we need to be sitting around the table with our nation’s future having conversations in order to combat fear with truth and fight ignorance with understanding.
It is our responsibility to pass down the values of our father’s fathers; to tell the stories of generations past; to point them to real heroes.
The goal isn’t to raise loud kids marching for things they don’t understand or silent kids who sit back and watch because they have been conditioned.
The goal is to raise strong kids that can stand on truth.
We do not want to produce a reckless generation led by emotion, but rather wise and discerning kids that are rooted on the foundations that will preserve their future.
We must remind our kids that our freedom was bought at a cost for a great purpose and there would be grave repercussions if we were to walk away from that freedom.
We must reclaim the youth of this nation. We must fight back against a movement that is led by one that wants to steal, kill and destroy.
We are letting our children down if we do not stand in the gap; if we do not teach, train and protect them from those that want to use them as weapons in their war against freedom.
We ask parents to come alongside us, to join up and rightly train their children.
In truth.
We ask parents to fight back, starting in the home, with the family.
We ask fathers to lead and mothers to love.
We ask parents to be the foundation of their children’s education.
Be the greatest influence in your kids’ lives.
Do not leave their minds and hearts to an agenda that wants to rob them of a future.
Let us not sit back and watch as this nation is being attacked from within; our youth being the target.
Let us raise up a generation that remembers, stands on and defends our freedoms.
Let us raise up leaders.

1- Psalm 78: 2-4/ Prov.22:6
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